acquired June 4, 2011
acquired May 3, 2011
Floodwaters Recede along Wabash and Ohio Rivers
- wabashrv_tm5_2011155_lrg.jpg (2130x1065, JPEG)
- wabashrv_tm5_2011155_crop_geo.tif (2130x1065, GeoTIFF)
- wabashrv_tm5_2011123_lrg.jpg (2130x1065, JPEG)
- wabashrv_tm5_2011123_crop_geo.tif (2130x1065, GeoTIFF)
- Sensor(s):
- Landsat 5 - TM
- Data Date: June 4, 2011
- Visualization Date: June 7, 2011
NASA Earth Observatory image created by Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon, using Landsat data processed by Julia Barsi (Landsat Project Science Office) and provided by the United States Geological Survey. Caption by Michon Scott.
This image record originally appeared on the Earth Observatory. Click here to view the full, original record.